Valentine’s Dance and Party! Friday – February 14th. Starts at 7:30. Bring a goodie to share. $5 cover. 542 Searls Ave Nevada City. 530-477-0767 for more info. Lots of Salsa but also music of all kinds. Plenty of parking.
On February 14th we will be celebrating Valentines Day PLUS the Anniversary of Salsa Sierra’s home. Here’s the story: Long ago we left our “crummy” rented location and decided to create a permanent home for Salsa Sierra. And with only one week to get it done – we dove in with the help of many students and friends! They would come on their lunch hour, or put in an afternoon. We cleaned and painted, hung drywall and laid the floor, and cleaned some more. Leon had his arm in a cast from surgery and yet managed to get it done! All in time for our Valentines dance. And to this day, Salsa Sierra continues to thrive! It is not these four walls – Salsa Sierra is all the wonderful people who have entered and continue to enter our doors. We are eternally grateful!